Round One: Duran vs Chemo ~ No Mas!!

On Monday June 15th, I went in for my first chemo session.  Thankfully, it was uneventful and all went well during the 2 hour process.  In fact, I fell asleep through the last hour while listening to Lara Fabian in my headphones.  Tuesday was pretty good and I thought I might get through the recovery without any side effects, but then came Wednesday and BAM - I was like an energizer bunny very low on batteries.  I was very fatigued and my blood pressure went down drastically but still in the safe zone.  I found out that I had to drink a LOT of water to avoid dehydration and to flush the chemo out of my system.  And the anti-nausea meds had me constipated but the water and a few stool softeners alleviated that problem.

The video/song release for "Questions For God" went well and it's OUT now.  So please go to YouTube and search for the song and share share SHARE with your friends and family.  You can purchase the tune here on the website or by visiting:  I hope you enjoy the song and also will share it with your people for me.

On Monday the 22nd, I go in for my surgery to install the port that will be used for all future chemo sessions so they don't have to poke me anymore, but I will have this contraption sticking out of my chest for the unforeseeable future.  Wish me luck, and continue praying that all goes well.  I hear the bell signifying the end of this round and I'm walking back to my corner to recoup.  Adios and God Bless....